Beware — Need vs Greed — High4Teens
Have you ever eaten so much that your throat doesn’t have a gap for a burp? You get resistant, even to look or smell the food. Now, the taste attempts to tempt you to have another gulp of it and succeeds to touch your stomach. Happiness overloaded, no?
Did you even think what your stomach does?
It captures the food we eat and struggles with it for 3 hours, even though receptive relaxation happens during the journey of food to the stomach. The nutritive substances fight to workout a chemical change by its secretory activity. You cannot imagine how much the stomach works hard for the food that enters as liquids and solids and to send it out essentially as a liquid called chyme. [_ Dr.AnithaPaul]
Haha, fine. Let’s not get ‘Biofied’ 😂
I hope you guys have understood what I meant to say. Yes, in other words, too much of anything is good for nothing. lol simple, isn’t it?
Let us deviate a little from here and see, our earth looks like a calm poor thing, accepting everything that you do for her. No matter how hard we dig, after some time it gives water. No matter how hard we kill it by feeding plastics, she’s doing her best to digest it, unaware that it cannot. But definitely, there’s a day on which it will lose its threshold. When this limit crosses, it means we have crossed our limits.
Our earth has adapted so much that she is protecting herself from all the evil rays from the external space.
[ Source: Earth has a force field. A real, literal, honest-to-goodness force field. A field that projects invisibly out into space, protecting us and our precious atmosphere from the dangers of the cosmos. Without it, we might just have ended up like Mars: a wasteland, a failed chance at life.]
When earth can do that much to protect her from such strong evil rays, it wouldn’t take a second to digest us all in a gulp to save herself from us. After all, we are enjoying our Right To Safety. Wouldn’t she be?
Originally published at on April 28, 2019.